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2023 Scholarship Recipients

Noah Likens, Arkansas Tech University

My career goals are to become a strong willed and successful businessman in today’s and the future’s economy, as well as having a law practice. On the side, a life goal is to volunteer my time to coach baseball, because of the high level experience and coaching that I have been privileged to receive throughout my life. I also recently joined the District Seven Volunteer Fire Department, and hope to continue serving.

Noah Downs, University of Central Arkansas

I’m from a small town, so community is very important from where I come. On the academics side of college, I will be prepared to step into the medical field, and do my passion, helping others. I want to return to school to obtain my master’s degree and work to play an executive role in a hospital.

Samantha Crook, University of Missouri Columbia

My mission in life is wanting to learn ways to grow and produce food for the continuously rising population. I want to use my degree to help find ways to decrease the cost of food and I want to become an agriculture advocate, where I will have the opportunity to make an impact on not only the communities around me but the world as a whole.

Emma Bullard, University of Central Arkansas

My mission in life is to open a veterinary clinic that specializes in small animals in Arkansas. After completing my undergraduate degree in biology, I look to attend veterinary school to complete my education. A minor in business will give me the tools needed to open my own veterinary clinic.

Savannah Thomas, University of Central Arkansas

My plan for my future includes going into pharmacy, and I believe that this career path will give me the opportunity to go into smaller, less populated areas and help out a new community have access to medicine they need closer to home. The other part of my mission in life is spreading God’s Word to whoever will listen.

Sarah Banks, Harding University

My mission in life is to help educate young students and contribute to the foundation of their early learning. I also want to spend my life spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and fulfilling His word, so that I can help to bring others to Him.

Rachel James, University of Central Arkansas

My future occupation of nursing will be centered around helping people. I am aiming for the medical field in pediatrics because that is a place that is near and dear to my heart. We all have a purpose in life and it is our job to make that our mission that we pursue the rest of our lives.

Caleb Ferguson, University of Central Arkansas

My mission in life is to not only create films that entertain audiences but create films that educate individuals about the world around them. My vision will deliver important messages to the world through the big screen, and hopefully, this can bring about a change in our society for the better.

Grace Hamilton, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville

I would consider my mission in life to learn as much about the universe and how to solve problems within it as I can and to put that knowledge to good use, ranging from making new discoveries in mathematics and physics to teaching everything I can learn to younger generations.

Daniel Dyer, Hendrix College

It is my mission in life to look back at all I’ve done in the end, and be happy and proud of what I’ve accomplished, or what I’ve done. If I can look back at the end, and know that my life mattered, then in my eyes that fulfills my mission in life to have lived it well.

2022 Scholarship Recipients

Shivam Raja, Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania

I began to think about my parents who immigrated to America to provide a better life for me and my sister and their struggle to live in a country that was half way around the world. I began to reflect on how so many people have contributed their time and energy for my life, and I decided that it is my obligation to share it with others.

Conner Stacy, University of Central Arkansas

I consider my mission in life to be helping others and being a guiding light through my leadership. I believe becoming an RNA (registered nurse anesthetist) will give me the chance to help others, heal strangers, and lead everyone I can in times of adversity.

Rebekah McIntosh, University of Kentucky

I have worked with special needs students starting when I was in the 6th grade. I decided I wanted to go into neuroscience to do research on disabilities and how to better the lives of the individuals.

Blaine Chambers, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith

The main thing I want to contribute greatly to is bringing back the economy we used to have in the 60’s and 70’s to The Arkansas River Valley. I want to make the Alma area a better place.

Samantha Baker, Arkansas Tech University

My mission in life is to love people and carry out the Gospel to help others form a relationship with God. In my career area, my mission is to be a successful veterinarian. My clinic will focus on the health and care of animals rather than on money and riches.

Ryan Morris, Arkansas Tech University

I believe that for society to succeed everyone must cooperate with each other and use their skills to benefit their communities. I wish to help create a society in which we as a people can come together to express our humanity.

Benjamin Bugaj, University of Central Arkansas

I believe that if you have the ability or opportunity to impact someone else’s life in a positive way then you have an obligation to do so. For me, practicing physical therapy will allow me to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them physically achieve their goals or regain abilities they once had.

Lucas Hayes, University of Central Arkansas

I plan to not only continue to serve my community but also work to involve my family and teach them the importance and fulfilment of giving back. Having a supportive family and serving my community has shaped me into the man I am today and I want to pay it forward to my future family.

Jillian Mills, University of Arkansas

I strive to do everything to the best of my ability, whether it’s something I’m passionate about or have never tried before.

Madelyn Adair, University of Arkansas

I believe my calling is to pursue a degree in criminology/criminal justice in order to help make our country and our world a safer place for future generations.