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Congratulation to the Class of 2024 Skokos Foundation AHS Mission Statement Scholarship Recipients, all recent graduates of Alma High School in Alma, Arkansas. These recipients were selected for more than just their academic excellence and community involvement, but also for their commitment to utilizing their gifts and talents to lift up others and make a purposeful difference in the lives of others. Upon reading some of the quotes from their essays below, you will celebrate with us at The Ted and Shannon Skokos Foundation knowing they are the future of our country.

Branson Brogan, University of Arkansas Fort Smith

My plans and hopes for my future are to become a financial advisor. While my degree will help get me in the door, the rest will be on me to establish myself. In order for me to be successful in life, I need to graduate college debt free. It would allow me to get a head start on life and to start saving up for my future goal of starting a financial firm.

Denver Kelly, University of Arkansas

I can only hope that my future holds a life of fulfillment. To attain this I plan to emotionally touch as many people as I can with my work as an actor; and to constantly strive towards my best self. I also plan to work in the field of anthropology, hoping to shed light on the cultures of the world.

Olivia Roller, University of Arkansas

My mission is to embody a lifelong learner dedicated to contributing to my community and serving as a role model for my family. Post-college, I plan to go to law school. Through dedication and perseverance, I am certain I will make a positive impact in both my personal and professional endeavors, guided by the promise of continuous learning and success.

Caden Farris, University of Arkansas / Stony Brook University

My purpose is to give my family the most comfortable life they can have to pursue whatever they want to and for them to find their purpose. Through medicine or theater, it means to touch someone’s life in a way that isn’t experienced often enough. In medicine, higher education will teach me all the technical and personal skills I will need to help people and give them hope. In theater, higher education will make me a better actor who is more able to connect with the characters and therefore the audience.

Jackson Daily, University of Missouri

My mission in life is to protect my family and provide for them. My dream job is to be either a college football coach or work in the banking/investment industry. College will assist me with this due to the connections and knowledge I will be able to obtain.